Month: August 2017

Chocolate Chip Poundcake

Chocolate Chip Poundcake

This is my son’s favorite cake, he even requests it as his birthday cake. It’s a traditional poundcake with twist, chocolate chips are added at the end to make it even more special than a traditional pound cake. Servings: 10-12 Active Cooking Time:  20 minutes 

Tri-Colored Soboro Don (Ground Chicken Bowl)

Tri-Colored Soboro Don (Ground Chicken Bowl)

Soboro is one of my son’s favorite Japanese rice bowl dishes, aka doburi. Soboro literally translates to crumble topping of minced meat and is most often made with ground chicken. In addition to the ground chicken, add sweetened scrambled eggs, and green veggies such as 

Lemon Squares

Lemon Squares

A summer favorite with the refreshing taste of lemons. Bake in advance and they are easy to transport to BBQs or picnics. Serves: 10-12 people Active Cooking Time: 30 minutes Ingredients: Base Crust 1 cup flour 1/4 cup confectioner’s sugar, sifted 1/2 cup unsalted butter, cut 



It has become a new summer routine for my teenage daughter to make dinner once a week. For tonight’s meal, she chose lasagna, not a typical summer dish but simple enough for a weeknight with some planning ahead. She made the meat sauce the night