Month: January 2019

Menchi Katsu (Hamburger Cutlet)

Menchi Katsu (Hamburger Cutlet)

My kids love this typical Japanese comfort food which is a twist on the hamburger. If you like hamburgers and cutlets, it’s the perfect combination of both. Usually, these cutlets would be fried but we just bake them in the oven. Serve with a side 

Easy Crab Cakes

Easy Crab Cakes

Homemade crab cakes are incredibly easy to make! Serve them for a special occasion dish, if you plan to use lump jumbo crab meat which can be quite expensive but definitely the expense. Over the holidays, we hosted a couple of special meals so we 

Kinpira Gobo (Sautéed Burdock)

Kinpira Gobo (Sautéed Burdock)

Burdock, gobo, is a popular root vegetable in Japanese cuisine. It can now be found sometimes at Whole Foods market but always at a Japanese market. It is a great side dish for any Japanese meal. I often serve this dish for New Year’s osechi, 

Tamogoyaki (Japanese omelette)

Tamogoyaki (Japanese omelette)

Tamogoyaki is a sweetened omelette, prepared in a rectangle-shaped pan. It makes for a great side dish to any Japanese meal. Very simple to prepare and great to add to any bento lunches. Servings: 2-3 as a side dish Active Cooking Time: 10-15 minutes Ingredients: